A friend of mine told me about an omega 3 product they had been taking recently with great success. It's an omega 3 from Algae (the stuff fish eat).
I decided to research the benefits of Algae Oil over regular Fish/Krill Oil - they appear below:
* Most fish oils are contaminated (heavy metals, PCBs Dioxins etc) - whereas Algae Oil (when harvested properly) is pristine/clean.
* The process used to produce most fish oils is heavily industrialised and can involve chemicals and high heat (which damages the fragile oils). The process to produce Algae Oil (when done properly) is simple and does not involve chemicals or excessive heat. This means you get a more pure product that is as close to nature as possible.
* Most fish oils are rancid by the time you take them. This means you are taking something that can do more damage to your body than good. Algae Oil when produced properly (and sold in a blister pack) is as fresh as possible.
* Fish/Krill Oil is not a sustainable product. 25% of the global fish catch is used to produce fish oil. Furthermore by harvesting Krill which are at the bottom of the food chain - the damage to other fish higher up the chain is immense as we are stripping out their food source! Algae (when harvested properly) is a very sustainable product.
* Algae oil has no fishy aftertaste and is vegan/vegetarian!
The brand I decided to purchase appears below. I don't get any money from recommending it - I just love their ethos and the fact that the capsules come in foil sealed blister packs to maintain freshness. I purchased the DHA/EPA one:
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