Your Second Brain

Your Second Brain
Scientists are only just beginning to understand the important role your stomach (and the bacteria contained within) play. Scientists are now calling it your “Second Brain”. 5 Important Facts to Ponder: 1. Your enteric nervous system (which is found in your stomach) has more neurons than your central nervous system or spinal column and it has a direct communication line to the brain. Your stomach bacteria produce 95% of the serotonin in your brain (the feel-good/happy chemical) and around 50% of the dopamine (responsible for memory, sleep, movement and learning amongst other things). 2. Your gut bacteria (when in good shape) help you absorb more minerals and in turn improve your bone health (you will have stronger bones). They also nullify anti-nutrients in food like phytic acid and reduce any allergic reactions to gluten and dairy (when they are in good shape). 3. Your gut bacteria can also manufacture vitamins (vitamin K and B Vitamins). When performing at their peak they can manufacture all the vitamins your body needs and in a readily absorbed format! 4. Your gut bacteria can stop pathogens from seeking residence by plugging up holes (they take up space and repel invaders). 5. Gut bacteria affect your mood. There has been a stack of scientific research linking Anxiety, Depression, OCD, and Autism to gastrointestinal issues (bad gut flora).
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