Our Blog

Breathing Incorrectly is Slowly Killing You!
I recently read a great book on breathing written by James Nestor titled "Breath". There isn't much that I read nowadays in the health and well-being arena that is fresh...
Breathing Incorrectly is Slowly Killing You!
I recently read a great book on breathing written by James Nestor titled "Breath". There isn't much that I read...

5 Health Benefits of Bonito Flakes + 3 Simple R...
Up until recently I had absolutely no idea what Bonito Flakes (Katsuobushi / Dried Tuna Flakes) were, yet I had eaten them without my knowledge every time I had Japanese...
5 Health Benefits of Bonito Flakes + 3 Simple Recipes
Up until recently I had absolutely no idea what Bonito Flakes (Katsuobushi / Dried Tuna Flakes) were, yet I had...

Marijuana May Treat Dementia + My Health Warnings
I just read an amazing article in Discover magazine (published early Feb 2020) that may be of interest to you or a loved one: https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/the-experiments-revealing-how-marijuana-could-treat-dementia Here is my summary of...
Marijuana May Treat Dementia + My Health Warnings
I just read an amazing article in Discover magazine (published early Feb 2020) that may be of interest to you...

Strength Training Twice a Week May Literally Sa...
In my teenage years I focused heavily on weight training - I guess because I was trying to bulk up and build muscle! Later on in life I mixed it...
Strength Training Twice a Week May Literally Save Your Life
In my teenage years I focused heavily on weight training - I guess because I was trying to bulk up...

10 Ways to Use Collagen & Bone Broth Powder
I've been looking for different ways to incorporate Clean and Pure Collagen Powder & Bone Broth Powder into my daily life and wanted to share my top 10 list below....
10 Ways to Use Collagen & Bone Broth Powder
I've been looking for different ways to incorporate Clean and Pure Collagen Powder & Bone Broth Powder into my daily...

Coffee Grinder Review / Review of Coffee Grinders
In an earlier blog post we mentioned coffee storage and also the fact that for freshness it is always better to buy whole bean coffee as opposed to already ground....
Coffee Grinder Review / Review of Coffee Grinders
In an earlier blog post we mentioned coffee storage and also the fact that for freshness it is always better...

Is the Carnivore Diet Safe + Tips and Advice
I read a great post today from Mark Sisson from Mark's Daily Apple on the Pro's and Con's of the Carnivore Diet (the latest craze where proponents only eat meat)....
Is the Carnivore Diet Safe + Tips and Advice
I read a great post today from Mark Sisson from Mark's Daily Apple on the Pro's and Con's of the...

Our Dalgona Whipped Coffee - Bulletproof / Keto...
I must admit I had never heard of the whipped coffee coming out of South Korea (they call it Dalgona Coffee) until my daughter mentioned it after it blew up...
Our Dalgona Whipped Coffee - Bulletproof / Keto / Vegan F...
I must admit I had never heard of the whipped coffee coming out of South Korea (they call it Dalgona...

How Bulletproof Coffee Helps with Weight Loss
Most people drinking Bulletproof Coffee (clean coffee blended with C8 MCT Oil and Ghee) do so for the health benefits of drinking "clean coffee" free of mould toxins (mycotoxins). Our...
How Bulletproof Coffee Helps with Weight Loss
Most people drinking Bulletproof Coffee (clean coffee blended with C8 MCT Oil and Ghee) do so for the health benefits...

How to Store Your Coffee + 5 Top Coffee Caniste...
You've spent hours researching the best coffee to buy and have hopefully chosen one free of mould toxins, pesticides and heavy metals. You've paid a premium for quality coffee and...
How to Store Your Coffee + 5 Top Coffee Canister Choices
You've spent hours researching the best coffee to buy and have hopefully chosen one free of mould toxins, pesticides and...

What is Clean Coffee?
A common question we get at Lean Caffeine when we say we sell The World's Cleanest Coffee is: What is Clean Coffee? To answer this query properly I'll break it...
What is Clean Coffee?
A common question we get at Lean Caffeine when we say we sell The World's Cleanest Coffee is: What is...

The Difference Between Bone Broth Powder & Coll...
A common question I get asked is what is the difference between our Clean & Pure Bone Broth Powder & our Clean & Pure Collagen Powder? I think this is...
The Difference Between Bone Broth Powder & Collagen Powder
A common question I get asked is what is the difference between our Clean & Pure Bone Broth Powder &...